Monday, July 07, 2008


So it is official.... Lee and I will be attending Campbell's newest adventure in wasteful spending.... football. Yes folks, millions of dollars later, the folks in administration at Campbell have been able to determine a better use for their dollars than brick sidewalks that lead to more brick sidewalks..... football. They just had to go and ruin our only "undefeated" team at Campbell by actually adding the program. Lucky for CU alum, there seem to be no plans in the works for a ping-pong team or synchronized swimming.

But, like it or not, Lee and I will be in attendance, marking the first game I will have ever actually PAID to attend. All those reading this, please note, I gladly paid my $30 for Lee and I to attend... so that we would have a place to hang out with old friends, not to support their miserable attempts to be like other schools with athletic programs that actually win.


C U there!

1 comment:

Garner Gang said...

Hey Crystal, are there still tickets available?