Well to steal from Monty Python... "we're not quite dead yet...." Just busy!
I finished my penance at Special K and began to work at my new job (Lee's soon to be old position). He starts the police academy on September 8th so he's got the fun?!? job of training me in the fine art of refrigeration for the new 3 weeks. :-) At least we're saving on gas driving to work together!
In other news, we went out to the lake last weekend for Heather's birthday party.... I braved my fear of heights and jumped off the dock. Unlike almost everyone else in the world, the jump and the splash part are what I enjoy... the whole "stomach in your throat" feeling is the WORST! LOL
Anyways, all is well.... the pups are good, Paige's prescription diet food seems to be working... slowly, but working... and I am enthralled with the Olympics (much to Lee's dismay...) I could watch this stuff forever... it's like I feel like I "have to".... they're Americans..... who cares that they are running and then shooting a gun at a target? LOL
PS- Guitar Hero for Xbox 360 is awesome.... and just as addicting as the Olympics =)