Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Biggest Loser

My company, CE Holt, announced a competition starting Monday 1/5. The Biggest Loser: CE Holt. Now, I am a fan of the show... in fact, I watch it every season. It is inspiring to watch the transformations that occur on that show... I root for my favorites and enjoy the friendly rivalries because they all want the best for each other (though some try to hide that fact). Either way, I watch it and get so excited at the beginning of the season... new contestants, new lives to learn about, the start of a new beginning.... but somewhere, by the end of the season, I am disillusioned. I have watched my "favorites" go from fat... to hot...and I am still sitting on my couch...

We all know how I love a good competition. Softball, board games, heck, a good game of Catch Phrase and I am pumped! I can get, ok am, pretty competitive. So the concept of a competition at lose weight... and for $$$? (my boss is matching $ for $ all initial starting money...)... I AM IN. I happen to the one of the only girls involved... and may I say, out of the 4 girls involved, I can so cake walk over them.... but the boys. Hmmm, this poses a challenge. Some of these guys have a decent amount of weight to lose (who doesn't?). But it's a ton easier for guys.

Then you have the cheaters.... my 2 bosses... "the Jeffs" as I lovingly call them... have decided to cheat. Official starting weigh in is on Monday... so they are now eating everything in sight (4-5 meals a day). They call it "bulking up". Haha. I even saw one of them eat an entire dozen Krispee Kreme donuts this morning... 12 freakin' donuts! Wow... I may have underestimated these guys.

I tried intimidation... he wasn't intimidated. Then I tried guilting him by calling him a cheater... he challenged me to find the rule that said he couldn't (being that the rules currently are: show up, weigh in, try to lose weight... I didn't have much to go on). I tried to appeal to his sense of honesty.... "that's not really the way it is supposed to go.".... so he countered with reminding me of all of the nice things that I could do with the $800 cash prize for 1st place... (heck, I could do a lot with the $400 and $200 cash prizes for 2nd or 3rd too!) He said that his smoking habit would help his appeitite... I told him I could consider picking up a smoke or two for assistance....He then informed me that he had enough stowed away in his flex spending account for lipo and a tummy tuck....I... don't. So I told him that laxatives work well... until he reminded me that I still have a job to do... so I gathered up my pride (what was left) and simply told him it was ON!

So I give in....or rather, I will step up to the challenge issued....

But I have a few tricks up my sleeve. In our conversation I found out that he has never watched the show.... (nor does he have access to or read my blog) so he has never actually seen the "real" way contestants on the show have "cheated the scale" in the past without ever really "gaining" actual weight or fat....

But I have....(see Lee, I told you those hours spent watching the tv were worth something...)

So, starting tomorrow, I shall be packing on all of the "water weight" that I can possibly hold....Gallons and Gallons of water (an no Diet Coke :-0 so come Monday, I figure I should have about 5-6 spare lbs to help pad my % of weight lost...) Oh, did I mention that I can hold my pee for a really long time???

If ya can't beat em, join 'em.... :-)



Caleb and Adrienne said...

Can I play?? I want $800! Can you wear weights around your ankles under your pants?

I have a weight loss blog with 5 members. We're all sharing tips and advice. Every Thursday we post a picture of what the scale reads. Let me know if you want in! It might help you keep accountable. And, if it helps and you win, I won't ask for a cut of the prize money.....I don't think!

Caleb and Adrienne said...

BTW- the weight ranges vary.

Caleb and Adrienne said...

Happy New Year!

Caleb and Adrienne said...

I think I am going to start chanting "Crystal! Crystal! Crystal!" for your challenge. maybe I can even make up T-Shirts!