Sunday, June 15, 2008

she can sew?!?!?!?!?

Some of you may remember the great fiasco of late 2003.... the last time that I attempted to sew something and in the process ended up using a rotary cutter to slice my finger to the bone ...

Well.... I attempted to sew again! (see picture for proof)! This time I got roped into helping a friend who needed costumes for a church camp.... A girl from our small group and I were the only ones to own sewing machines so we were "chosen", ahem, the only ones dumb enough to volunteer, to make 3 identical costumes for a "disappearing" act play. IE all of the costumes needed to look alike.. HA! Where is the individuality? So she and my other friend Heather came over for dinner and a Friday night of sewing... I tell you, I live it up now that I'm an "adult" LOL. Heather did not tell me that she was actually experienced at these things and actually makes purses... so set me up at the machine to sew straight lines... I must say, I didn't do HORRIBLY... but I'm not exactly a ruler-straight line kinda girl. All in all, I was 2 for 3 which if we were playing softball, wouldn't be half bad! She was nice enough to wait until I was busy eating my Taco Bell to take out the stitches of the messed up one and redo it.


Caleb and Adrienne said...

careful! i get nauseous just thinking about the incident with your blanket!

Karen said...

How domestic! :)

Good for you! I knew you'd get into some kind of "crafts" one day.