Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm the kinda girl who makes my parents proud.....

Well, I must say, I have had some exciting weekends in the past month or so.... UFC fights, out to the bar to watch the fights, sewing, and now, this past weekend.... my poor mother who happens to call and ask the question, "what are you up to?" I dare say I doubt she will continue to ask that question much longer.... it's one thing to tell her I'm on my way out to play a softball tournament in 98 degree heat, it's another to inform her that we're celebrating our anniversary at a UFC MMA fight.... but this past Friday, I had the honor of letting her know, that I, her New York born and raised, not very "country" daughter,... was going (voluntarily) to a RODEO!!!

So we went to the rodeo with Lee's friends' parents Wayne and Kathy. Lee said I made Wayne's year by volunteering to go to a rodeo with him. I had no idea these types of things actually existed outside of the movies.... Boys with HUGE belt buckles, girls carrying confederate flag pocketbooks, little kids with chaps and cowboy hats on.... did you know you can buy souvenir whips and ropes?

SO I thought I was going to watch bull riding, like on television. Apparently a "rodeo" is much more... roping and barrel stuff,... they even had an event with fainting goats that girls rode up to and had to catch and tie up.... funny stuff when they fainted and laid on the ground legs sticking up in the air!

All in all, it was an experience... I'd like to watch the bull riding again, that was entertaining I must say so who knows, I might just pop up at one of these events another time.

Next week... we hit up a reenactment of the War of Northern Aggression.....

just kidding... I haven't turned too redneck for that one.... just yet ;-)
(oh yes folks, I make my parents P R O U D!!! LOL)


Garner Gang said...

I didn't know Lee turns into a black man at Rodeo's?

Caleb said...

kudos to you lee! many men envy your ability to convice your wife what the definition of "fun" is!

Karen said...

Well... That's a bit of culture shock, isn't it? :) At least the rodeo seemed like a better choice than the fights... Ha, ha.

Goode Design said...

Y'all are awesome!