Saturday, June 07, 2008

the results are in!

Well, we took Paige "aka Fat girl" to the vet today to have her thyroid checked to see if that was the reason that she has gained 10, yes 10 pounds in the past 2 years. My dog is now ridiculously obese and no diet or exercise has made a difference to her yet... Anyways, a thyroid condition was her last hope.... an actual reason for the weight gain.

But no... her thyroid is in perfect working condition... so are all of her other vitals.. normal. Except her weight, the vet made sure to inform me that she was not fat, she would be classified as obese. Great... how you word it apparently makes for more of an "impact"

So I guess Lee has been right all along.... I am apparently the reason that Paige is fat... can't tell you where I went wrong but apparently it's all my fault... Fan Freakin' Tastic. :-(


Jenny Haller said...

Its all that gooooood cooking you do that makes her fat :)

Karen said...

Maybe you could find a doggie treadmill...