Thursday, January 29, 2009

look who showed up?

This poor guy showed up at the fence in my backyard this afternoon much to poor Brutus' dismay.... poor thing was limping, wimpering, and starving. I took care of getting him something to eat and Lee and I tried in vain to walk him around the neighborhood to see if he knew anyone or anyone knew him... nada. I'm pretty sure he has been abused as he is really skittish but wags his tail and wants to be loved. He took to me faster than he took to Lee but he has still sat at Lee's feet as I walked away.

He is currently in our backyard asleep on a little pallet... we can't keep him but we couldn't just turn him out, already hurt to just wander the neighborhood. Humane society has a 3 month waiting list and animal control will kill him automatically since he has PitBull in him... but I think he is mainly Lab/Weimereiner with a pit head. He gets along well with Paige and keeps dragging himself to his feet to wag his tail and lean over to be petted.... but otherwise I haven't heard a peep out of him.

I have sent requests out to local rescues but is anyone looking for or knows someone who is looking for a dog?




Jenn said...

What a sweet looking dog. Did you find the owner yet? Too bad we've decided we want to try to have kids right now instead of getting another dog.

Doyle said...

He is adorable. Taking in stray animals gets addictive, though, words of warning from someone who has actually paid to get a feral cat spayed.