Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Monday afternoon began like every other afternoon - headed home from work, hung out with Addie, and even got to see Lee since he was off.  Started to cook dinner, had an ADHD moment and forgot half of the ingredients that I needed for dinner. Sent Lee to the store and heard him drive up in the driveway.  Mustered up the courage to let him know that I had also forgotten 2 other things that we needed and that he was going to have to return to the store.  Listened to Lee laugh at me for forgetting things and remind me to speak now or forever hold my piece because he was NOT going back to the store a 3rd time.

And then, it happened. Right there on my cutting board.  Amidst the lettuce, cilantro, and onions I was patiently dicing for taco night.  The tip of my left thumb went MIA.  Well, not MIA actually.  Just missing from hand.  I knew where it was, could see it laying there on my knife.  Just no longer attached to my finger. So i guess MFF would be more appropriate.

I'm gonna miss that tip, she was a good one.

1 comment:

The Renfrows said...

Terrible news! Glad it wasn't more serious! Sent u an email to hotmail re: monkey joes.