Thursday, September 18, 2008

Spare some Change?

Apparently with the election approaching, the "buzz" word is.... change. Which is odd because I've been thinking a lot about it lately. Only unlike the politicians who are currently promising the world through "change" I have begun to realize that the more I think on the subject the more pessimistic I become.

I may be jaded... I confess, I am a creature of habit... but who isn't? Everyday you wake up, dress, drive the same route, park in the same spot,... as the day previous. For the most part, people tend to resist change simply because it takes too much effort. I know I have stayed at a job, stayed in bed, procrastinated... simply because it would take a great deal of effort and motivation to stop doing what I was doing to start something new. That's the thing about change... you have to stop doing something to begin anew (as in, admit what you were doing before wasn't working... and then determine the new thing is going to be worth the effort to change).

I know in my own life, change has usually resulted in good things...relationships, locations, stuff. I really have no reason to be pessimistic. But then I take for example, some of the kids that I have worked with. Or my experiences with their crappy families. And my outlook on the "rosiness" of change dims a great deal. In the past 3 months, 2 of my former kids that I have worked with have been shot and killed in separate attacks. Another kid has unfortunately stayed true to his word when he told he that he "wanted to kill someone" and yet a few other continue to utilize the revolving door to the jail system for various misdemeanors and felonies. 3-4 years later... they are older, yet in the same crap if not worse. 85% of kids that I have worked with will have improvement in their situations or outlook/attitudes on life... none. And only 4.3% will make a "significant" improvement on their lives. From the outside it seems hope-less. No change, just crap.

You can argue that they are not motivated to change. Or that their surroundings/family/culture do not encourage nor allow for change in their lives. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the simple fact that for most of them, it was just too difficult to "be better" and change. And they are just kids?

People want to believe in change. They want to believe that the world could be better. That they themselves could change to be better. They just don't want to put the effort into actually doing it.

Do I believe in change? Yes, a million times yes. Just not change based in the promises of politicians, the frustrations of the destitute, or the ramblings of the misinformed.

"May integrity and honesty protect me for I choose to put my hope in You." Psalm 25:21


Crystal @ A Well-Feathered Nest said...

Unfortunately, I share your sentiments, and that makes getting involved in some types of ministry difficult for me. It's a problem I have to deal with.

Karen said...

I agree with your comments. Even if we WANTED to, we could try very hard to change, but we would always fail to make a REAL change within our hearts. The only thing that can REALLY change any of us is realizing our sinfulness and asking for God's forgiveness and the cleansing that can only come from Jesus' sacrifice for us - then GOD will change US. Keep those many unfortunate kids in your prayers - that God would open their eyes to HIS truth.